New book: Schreibenlassen

My German-language essay volume Schreibenlassen: Texte zur Literatur im Digitalen was published today. It collects texts on digital literature, artificial intelligence, and digital and postdigital writing practices. From the publisher’s website:

All literature is digital today, but not every literary work is aware of it. The question in which sense one can speak of digital literature and what follows from this for knowledge about literature and digitality animates the contributions in this volume. Here, Hannes Bajohr discusses relationships between conceptual and programmed literature, outlines poetologies and writing practices, and faces the challenge that artificial intelligence and machine learning pose to literary writing. The texts written between 2014 and 2021 also document the changes in the discussion about literature in the digital world. They object to a “Promethean uneasiness” that fears the replacement of man by machine and therefore the machine can only think humanly. What possibilities arise instead from a literary production that is no longer oriented towards a special anthropological position and concepts such as genius or creativity? Because literature, as you can learn here, only exists as an appointment anyway.

You can order writing from August Verlag.






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